How to manage Quiz configurations?

Go to Admin>>Quiz Setting, it will open the following page

Quiz setting contains the default settings that were created by the editor while creating the quiz. You can change the points for selecting the correct answer as well as the wrong answer.  

You can also select set the threshold (minimum average score required ) to get a particular type of badge.

Quiz Notification Setting

You can also set reminders for a quiz, by changing the notification settings. 

Multiple attempts configuration 

Admin can also set the threshold for allowing users to appear for quiz multiple times, by specifying the threshold and also by checking the checkbox, as shown below.

Knowledge Category Settings

Knowledge category settings will enable you to manage the performance of the participants about their knowledge of the relevant topics of the quiz questions. Each question created in question is attached with a certain tag so that after the quiz is completed. Analytics can be performed to have an understanding of the reach of the topic.
You can also add a new knowledge category by clicking on "Add New" and specifying the required category tags.
you can also edit the existing knowledge category by clicking on "Edit Tag", and by making the appropriate changes and saving it.

Default Auto Mode

This contains the default values that were set by the editor while creating the manual quiz type. For more knowledge click here.

Quick Auto Mode

This contains the values that were set while the creation of the "Auto Quiz", the values can also be overridden by the editor.
For more info click here.

After all the required changes are made click on "Save" on top of the page.