User Login reports

Go to Left Menu >> Admin >> Reports>> User Login Reports, this will open the following page

You can search for a specific user to find if he has logged in or not by various criteria's which are as follows:

  • Business Unit
  • Country
  • Group

To learn more about Advanced Search, Click here.

Here, you can find three different types of login reports:

  • Initial login report - This will give you the list of users who have completed their initial login into the SmartWinnr account.
  • All Login Reports - This will give you the report of all users who have logged into their SmartWinnr account for the selected date range. This will also give you two type of reports - the total number of users who have logged into the system of a specific date range and number of times each user have logged in to their account.
  • Not Using SmartWinnr yet - This will give you the list of users who have not logged in to their SmartWinnr account yet.

You can also use filters to view the analytics chart of the users. The various options are as follows:

  • Frequency: The total number of users logged in, can be set to "Daily", "Weekly", "Quarterly", "Annually".
  • Date Range: Specify the date range for which you want the user number of the user's report. 

After the appropriate setting of filters, you can download the analytics report as:

  1. Image: click on the image icon.
  2. Excel Report: click on the Hamburger Menu which will give you the option to download the report into excel format