How can I create folders and items in KHub?

Only users having the editor role will be able to create folders and items in KHub

In KHub, you can maintain the documents in the form of folders and items. You can create different folders on various topics and upload the related documents/items in them. This segregates the KHub items topic-wise and makes it easy for the sales reps to access them.

Folder Creation

Follow the below steps in order to create a folder in the KHub:

Go to the Left Menu > EDITOR > LEARNING AND KNOWLEDGE > KHub > KHub. It opens the following page:

Click on the "Create" button at the top left corner and then click on the "Folder" option.  

It opens the following pop-up to create the folder: 

Give a title to the folder and a short description. You can add an appropriate icon for the folder and click on the Create button and the folder will get created successfully.

Item Creation

Follow the below steps in order to create an item in the KHub:

Go to the Left Menu > EDITOR > LEARNING AND KNOWLEDGE > KHub > KHub. It opens the following page:

Open the desired folder in which you would like to add the content/item. Click on the "Create" button at the top left corner and then click on the "Item" option.  

It opens the following pop-up to create the item: 

Title: Provide the title of the KHub Item here.

Content: The content of the KHub item goes here. You can give a simple text, video, link or audio as the KHub content.

Select Category: Select a category for the KHub item here.

Once you have filled all the required details, click on the "Create" button at the bottom of the page and your item gets created inside the folder successfully.

Change Folder Sequence

This feature lets you change the sequence of the KHub folders. Follow the below steps to change the sequence of your KHub folders:

EDITOR > LEARNING AND KNOWLEDGE > KHub > KHub. Click on the hamburger menu button at the top right corner of the screen and select "Change folder Sequence". 

It will open the following popup:

Change the sequence according to your wish and click on the Save button.

Change Item Sequence

This feature lets you change the sequence of the KHub items. Follow the below steps to change the sequence of your KHub items:

EDITOR > LEARNING AND KNOWLEDGE > KHub. Click on the Hamberger menu button at the top right corner of the screen and select "Change Item Sequence". It will open the following popup:


Once you change the sequence of the KHub items, click on the Save button.