How to view Project?

Go to Editor >> PROJECT MANAGEMENT >> Project  Management 
Name : Name of the Project.
Teams : Teams in the Project.
Sections : Number of sections.
Tasks : Number of tasks.

My Projects

This contains all the projects that the Editor has created.

Other Projects

This tab shows all the projects that have been created by other editors.

The editor can also search for various projects using the search bar.

Click on project name to view the project.


Clicking on this button will allow the user to edit the saved project fields.

2.Download Report

Clicking on this tab will download the full report of the project, along with the current progress of the task sections, in the excel sheet format.

3.Project Overview

Clicking on the "+" will prevail in the different options.

  • Project Name & Project Description
This contains the current project name and the project description.
  •  Teams 
This contains the teams to which the project has been assigned.
  • View Team Members
By Clicking on this button Editor can view the team members by the groups or can also search the team members by using the search bars.
Editor can also view the  "Project Owner Name", "Task Status" , "Project Status" here.

4.Notification Setting

Clicking on the "+"  will prevail the  different options. 

Editor can have a glance at the type of notifications that have been assigned for all the tasks in the project.

5.Views In Project Management

The Editor can change the sequence of sections by clicking on the "Change Sequence" on top right.

Editor can also add new Section by clicking on the "Add Section".

  •  List View

This view gives a List view of sections that were created by the Editor.

In this view, the Editor can also edit the section by clicking on the edit button just next to the section name.


Editor can edit the section name and click on save.

The Editor could also click on the "+" to prevail the section tasks as well as the "Start Date", "Due Date", "Assign To", "Priority" as well as the status of the tasks.

The editor can also edit the task assigned by clicking on the edit button as well as he could delete the tasks assigned.

"Change Sequence" allows the Editor to change the sequence of the tasks assigned.

  •  Board View

This view gives a modular view of each task assigned in a particular section. The editor can go-ahead to create a new task for a particular section by clicking on the "+" button below each of the sections.

Tasks assigned under each section can be edited by clicking on the "Edit Task" button.

  •  Timeline View

This view gives a better understanding of the task assigned in a particular section. This view gives a Gantt chart timeline view of the task assigned, so Editor gets a better understanding of the tasks that will take lesser time. Based on the time needed for a task to be completed, the Editor could decide the priority of tasks.