Advanced options for projects

Hamburger Menu

Click on the above-shown button to reveal the various options of the Hamburger menu.
The options are as follows:

1.Escalation Matrix

This matrix helps the Editor to notify the users regarding the assigned tasks when the due dates are near.
The editor can Search for the assigned tasks by using the "Search Bar" by selecting the "Country" as well as "Group".
This page also shows the Users that have been assigned the tasks.

  •  Advance Search

Advanced search is a feature that gives the editor "Advanced search features" like:

  • Search by the name of the user to whom the task is assigned
  • Search by email 
  • Search by Meta Tag type
  • Search by Meta Tags

  • Add

The editor can also add a new Escalation matrix to the existing project.
To add a new Escalation matrix to the existing project, editor needs to click on "Add New", it will open the following pop up.
Users can be selected from the Drop Down

  • Escalation Levels

The editor can select the "Type", wether the escalation matrix is for a single user or a group.
If the type is User/Group the accordingly from "User/Group" field values can be selected.
"Level Name"
The field is a level at which the "Overdue" Notifications will be set.
There can be more than one level, to have more than one level for the same Escalation matrix, Editor needs to click on the "Add Level" on the top right.
To save the new Escalation Matrix, click on "Save".

2.Task Status

Existing Task statuses , that are local to this project can be seen here.
The editor can also add new Task Status explicitly for the current project by clicking "Add Status" on the top right.
To save the new task Status added, click on "save". 

3.Access Permission

It is a permission that will allow other Editors to have access to the project.
Other Editors can also be searched by their "Business Unit " as well as "Country".
The "All" tab shows all the Editors And the "Selected" tab shows all the selected Editors.
After the selection of Editors, click on "Save".


Delete is used for deleting the current project.
Clicking on delete will  open the following 

Click on "Yes"  to delete the existing project.