How do I give access permission to other editors?

As an Editor in SmartWinnr, you can give access permission to various tasks that you create to other editors. Tasks include:

  • Quiz
  • Survey
  • SmartFeed
  • Competitions
  • Coaching

This access permission can only be given by the Editors to other Editors.

Here are the steps to give access permission to your fellow editors:

On the SmartWinnr portal click on your name that gets displayed at the top right corner of the screen. Then click on the Profile button as shown in the picture below:

It will take you to the following page: 
Here, select the Access Permission tab. It shows you the following page where you can add access permissions:

Now, click on the "Click Here" link on the above page to add access permissions. It will open the following pop-up:

Here, select a task for which you want to give access permission and select the editors to whom you want to give access. Then, click on the "Save" button. It will successfully give access to that particular task to all the selected editors. Here is how you will be able to see all the permissions that you have given:
The editors who have access to a particular kind of task will access to the similar kind of tasks that you will create in the future by default. For example, if you have chosen 3 editors and given them access to the quiz then those 3 editors will have access to all the quizzes that you create in the future.