Quiz Wise Analytics

SmartWinnr provides a very detailed set of analytics on every quiz that you have created and assigned to people.

Follow the below steps in order to view the quiz-wise analytics:

Go to EDITOR > LEARNING AND KNOWLEDGE > Questions and Quizzes > View All Quizzes. 

Click on the 'Analytics' icon of a particular quiz.

You can download quiz results from here by clicking on the 'Download Quiz Results' button. 
The 'Send Notification' button sends a notification or an email to the quiz participants about the status of the quiz assigned to them. Clicking on the 'Send Notification' button takes you to the below page.
On this page, you can select the participants you want to send the notification to. You can filter the participants based on the status of the quiz assigned to them which is Not Started and Completed. You can also write a message that you wish to send in the notification. Then, click on the 'Send Notification' button at the bottom of the page in order to send the notification.
Overall Participation:

This gives you a pie chart showing the overall participation percentage along with actual numbers. For example, in the screenshot below, it shows that the participation percentage is 32%. The number of people who have completed the quiz is 10 and the number of people who have not completed it is 21. 

Participation: % By Country: This section gives you a bar graph where it shows the participation percentage by Country.

By clicking on the 'Details' button you will be taken to the 'Quiz Participation Details' page where you can see a list of participants who have not started the quiz and the participants who have completed it. You can drill down the participants based on the status of the quiz assigned to them or you can search for a particular participant by entering their name and email address.

Categorywise Performance for All Country: This section gives you the bar graph of the category wise performance for all Countries. 

Performance By Category By Country: This section gives you a heat map which shows the performance by category and by Country.

Questions in Quiz: In this section, you can view the list of questions in a quiz and the percentage of correct answers for each question.

Leaderboard: In this section, you will be able to view a quarterly leaderboard of performance. You will be able to see a participant's performance over a period of time by clicking on the 'View Analytics' button. You can search for a particular participant by using the 'Country' filter or by entering your search in the 'Search' box'.