Quiz Comparison Report

Quiz Comparison Report gives you a comparison report on various quizzes that you have created in SmartWinnr. This will help you understand the progress that the quiz- takers have made after each quiz over time. 

To find the Quiz Comparison Report in SmartWinnr, Go to EDITOR >LEARNING AND KNOWLEDGE >Questions and Quizzes> Reports > Quiz Comparison Report. It opens the following page:

You can find the quiz progress for the quiz-takers from a specific country, or a group or for any meta tags like designation, category etc with the filters available in the select participants' section. You can also find the progress for a single user by going into the advanced search option and search with the name or email id.

Comparison By Average Score

This section will give you a comparison report on the average score obtained by the selected country/group/user for the quizzes in the given date range. By default, it will show you the average score for the quizzes in the last 30 days.

Performance Across Time by Quiz Category

This section will give you the performance by the selected country/group/user for a specific quiz category over time. You can change the frequency of the time to Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly and Yearly based on your requirement. You can select the required quiz category from the dropdown for the category option in this section. This will help you to understand the progress of your team on a specific quiz category over time.