How can I contact SmartWinnr Team?

You can write to the SmartWinnr support team for all your queries regarding SmartWinnr.

Following are the steps to write to SmartWinnr Support.

Open the SmartWinnr app and click on the hamburger icon at the top left corner of the screen. It will show a left menu bar as shown in the screenshot below:

Here, click on the profile picture at the top. It will take you to the following screen: 

Click on Settings icon at the top right corner which is highlighted in red then go to the option Contact UsIt will take you to the following screen where you can send your query to the support team.

  • Enter your email id
  • Enter the name of your organization
  • Enter your message

Once you fill-up the details, click on the Contact Us option to send your query to the SmartWinnr support Team.

Please remember to add your official email id in this form. Our Support Team will contact you on this email id