How managers Approve Form

Follow the below steps to approve a form in SmartWinnr.

Go to the Left Menu > Forms.

Here you can find the forms submitted to you in SmartWinnr.Click on the desired form  that you would like to approve now.

This will take you to the submissions made for the particular form.

Click on the Pending form.It will open and show the submission details.Then Click on the icon 'Change status' at the top right corner.

Select the status Approve from the available statuses.Then Click ok Button.It will change the status to Approved.

Now, Click on 'save' button to save Status.

 It will show the status of Form as Approved.

How to Apply Filter options 

You can filter the form submissions with specific date,status.

Click on the Filter icon at the top right corner.It will show you the different filter options available in SmartWinnr.

If you need to filter the forms within a particular date range,you can apply Date range filter.

Select the required date range and click on 'Apply' button.

If you need to filter the forms with the submission status,you can apply Status filter.

Select the required date range and click on 'Apply' button.(For example:if you select the status as 'Pending',it will show you the pending forms for approval.

If you need to filter the forms with the submission of reportees,you can apply 'Reportees' filter.

Select the required reportees type and click on 'Apply' button.In case of Top level managers,they were able to see the submissions of all employees in their territory but they can approve the forms of direct reportees.In that case they can use this type of filter.