How Manager can check the status of the Coachings assigned to My Team

Managers can view and check for the status of the coachings assigned to their reportees.

Below are the steps to view and check the status of the coaching assignments assigned to the manager's reportees.

Log in to the SmartWinnr app.

Switch to MANAGER VIEW > Goto Left Menu >> Under Coaching Section select 'Coachings'.    

Here switch the tab to 'All Coachings'. This will give you the list of coachings assigned to your team.

Select the desired coaching assignment for which you would like to check the response status of your team. This will take you to the following page where you can find the response status of each member assigned to the selected coaching.

You can filter the completion status as Completed and not Completed which will help you to find the list of users who have submitted the response videos and not submitted the response videos for the select coaching assignment.

Clicking on to any user who has submitted their response video will take you to the following page where you can find his response video and the ratings and feedback provided by his reviewer.