How can I submit a Form from Chat

SmartWinnr allows you to make a form submission via chat if the form is added to the chat group in which you are part. To make a submission for the form from chat, you can follow the below steps:

Go to Dashboard >> Chat.

An alternate way to select chat is  Go to Left Menu>>Chat.

Here you can find the chat groups. Clicking on the group will take you to all the conversation and submissions made from the selected chat group.

Here you can also communicate with other group members and make a submission to the forms assigned to you in SmartWinnr.

Kindly note that you will find the form in chat only if the form is added to the chat group by your trainer/editor.

Click on the 'Form' icon at the bottom right corner to add a new submission.

Enter the necessary details and click on the  Save button to submit the details.

After successful submission, you can find the submission details in the chat.