How to add Approvers to a Form

An Editor who has access to the form can add approver to the form.

You can follow the below given steps to add an approver to the form.

Go to Left Menu >> Editor >> Forms >> View All Forms.

Select the form you want to add an approver and click on the form.

After selecting the form, click on the hamburger icon at the top right side, where you should select Approvers

After this, you need to click on Manage Approvers where you can add the approvers.

Select the approvers you want to add and click on Finish icon to complete adding the approvers.

Once you successfully added the approvers to the form, you can then assign the approvers to various users at different levels as follows:

Initially the approver is not assigned to any of the users.Click on "EDIT" option to assign the approvers to different users in the system.

It will take you to the page where you can select various users at different levels as follows:

1.Approvers reportees : If you want to assign a approver only for his own reportees, then you need to select "Approvers reportees" from the "select users" dropdown.

2. All Users : If you want to assign the approver for all the users, then you need to select the type as "User" from the dropdown "Selection Type" and "All Users" from the next drop down - Selected Users.

You can also choose the users by selecting Groups, meta tags from the Selection Type dropdown and select the appropriate group names and meta tag values from the provided drop downs.

After selecting the desired users or reportees, click on "OK" button and it will assign the approver to the selected users for the form.

How to Upload Form Approvers in Bulk

You can also add Approvers in a Bulk by using the Bulk Approvers. Click on the hamburger icon beside Manage Approver and select Bulk Approvers.

Download the sample CSV file and fill in the details based on the User Mapping which can be Email Address or Org User Identifier.

The file needs to be in CSV format. For the best result, save the spreadsheet as CSV UTF-8 (Comma delimited), as shown in the image below. Without UTF-8 encoding, non-English characters in the file might not display correctly.

You will be able to upload the approvers and corresponding reportees by providing their email id or org user identifier in the csv file.

The selection type will help you choose to upload for a user individually or for a group and even for a specific Metatag.

Click on Choose File and select the CSV format file and upload the approver data.It will successfully upload the approvers and their corresponding users or reportees for whom the approver is assigned.