How to send an Absent Reminder to Participants by the trainer to Improve Attendance

An Editor who has access to the SmartPaths can send the Absent Reminder to the users.

Go to EDITOR > LEARNING AND KNOWLEDGE > SmartPaths > View All SmartPaths

Select the Smartpath by clicking on it for which you want to send a reminder.

After clicking the SmartPath, you will see the modules present inside the SmartPath. Click on the View Batches icon at the top right side.

Here you will all the batches that are present for this SmartPath. Please click on the Analytics icon as shown above in the image.

Here you will see the analytics of the Batch, scroll down and click on the Analytics icon (Manage Attendance) for the session you want to send reminders as shown above.

Click on the Send Notification icon to enable the reminder as shown in the above image.

This is where you have to select the dropdown for FIlter By Status as Not Attended and Send To User and there is the default Message which will get delivered and when you select the user and Save, then you can send Notification on phone and Emails as Reminders.

Select the participants you want to send notification and click on Send Notification icon as shown in the above image.

You can also send reminders to the participant's manager by selecting the dropdown of Send To Manager and click on Advanced and select the Roles as Manager. 

Select them and click on Send Notification icon as shown in the above image.