Learner Report - By Learner (Individual Report Analytics)

An Editor who has access to the Learner Report can see the Report Analytics.


Select the user you want to check the learner report by clicking on the Analytics icon. You can also filter the user by selecting the specific Business Unit, Country, and Group/Team.

You can change the date range to get the specific analytics report for a user. Then you can check the analytics for any particular quiz, survey, coaching by clicking on the Analytics icon beside the activity.

Here you will see all the data for an activity of the user like the Quizzes Played, Quizzes Pending, Net Score, and Percentage Score.

After scrolling down, you can check the responses under Quiz Response for the quiz questions with the time taken and the correct responses. You can also change the responses as well by clicking on the change response icon.

In Answer Analytics, you can get the details for total time taken, the average time taken, and correct responses.

Scroll down to get the Quiz Wise Performance, where you get the Correct Answers, Incorrect Answers, Net Score, and Percentage Score.

Similarly, for Survey, you can also check the analytics by clicking on the Analytics icon.

Here you get the analytics for all the different types of survey questions.

For Video Coaching, you can check the analytics as well by clicking on the Analytics icon. Here you can check the uploaded video and the competencies on which the user was scored.

This is how you can check the user report analytics for any activities participated by the user.