
SmartWinnr provides various types of performance analytics on your sales performance in the form of Widgets.

Following are the list of widgets available in SmartWinnr.

1.KPI Performance List

KPI Performance will show you the progress of your direct reportees in a list view. Here you can find the overall growth of your reportees in terms of all the KPIs assigned to them. The performance list will show you the % growth of your direct reportees based on the data uploaded for the various duration.

For example, in the screenshot below, it says Cate has achieved 68% of her target from all the KPIs assigned to her. Also, you can find a down-arrow showing 13%, which means that her % growth has decreased by 13%.

 If you are a higher-level manager with multiple levels of reportees under you, you can find your direct reportees' progress in the first place. Clicking on the arrow against each of these direct reportees will help you to drill down to the details of next-level reportees.

Here, you can see the progress for different duration of time by applying the filter option.Also, you can do an analysis based on the metatags designation, territory, etc.

2. Team Heatmap

Team Heatmap will show you the percentage achieved by your sales team for each KPIs assigned to them. Here, you can find the performance for each member based on the KPIs. For example, in the following screenshot, In the last quarter, Elizabeth Roy has achieved 58% of her target for Calls KPI, 110% of the target for Meeting KPI, and 61% of the target in Renewal Meetings KPI.

3.Performance Histogram 

The performance Histogram is a bar graph that tells you the number of reps who have achieved various percentage ranges of their target. For example, in the following screenshot, it says, 1 user has achieved 80-100% of their target in KPI - Calls in the last quarter.

4.Sync Chart 

Sync Chart will show the aggregate data achieved by your team members for each KPI separately in a chart format. This can help you understand how your team is progressing their performance over a period of time. You can track the progress for different duration of time.

5.Org Comparison

This will show you the comparison of the achieved data of your team vs the achieved data of the entire organization. It will show you in a spider chart with different KPIs assigned to your team

6.Table widget

The table widget will show you the actual KPI data in a table format with appropriate headings.

7.KPI Cards

KPI cards is another time of widget that will tell you about the total target and total achieved data by your team for a fixed duration. This will also help you understand what is the total percentage achieved by your team for each KPI assigned to them in SmartWinnr. For example in the screenshot below, the total target achieved for the team is 1000 (which is the sum of targets of each reportee). And the total call achieved by the team is 50 (which is the sum of calls made by each of the reportee). It also tells you that the total percentage of achievement of your team is 50% of their target.