How to Mark the attendance for Users in Learning Sessions?

If the SmartPath assigned to the trainees has a learning session added to it, the instructor who conducted the learning session should mark the attendance for the trainees. Only once the attendance is marked, the system will update the status of the learning session to 'completed' for the trainees.

There are two ways for an Instructor to mark the attendance for the learning session:

1. To mark the attendance from the SmartWinnr Editor portal, ie

This option will be available only if the Instructor has an editor role in SmartWinnr

2. To mark the attendance from the SmartWinnr user view, ie SmartWinnr App/ Web view

To mark the attendance from the SmartWinnr Editor portal

Following are the steps to mark attendance from the SmartWinnr Editor portal (

Goto Left Menu > Editor > SmartPaths > View All SmartPaths > Select the SmartPath in which the Learning session is conducted.

Click on the  View Batches icon at the top right corner.

Then click on the  View Analytics icon shown in the below picture.

It will take you to the analytics page of the selected batch. On the Analytics page, You will find a section with the name of your learning session. Click on the Manage Attendance icon as shown below.

It will take you to the  Manage Attendance page where you can mark attendance for the users in the selected batch. Here you can find two options to mark the attendance:

Option 1- Mark Attendance manually for each user 

The instructor can manually select the list of users who attended the learning session. He can select the users from the list of users available in the selected batch. 

After selecting the users who attended the learning session, click on the ' Save Attendace' option to mark the attendance as "Present" to selected users.

This will change the status of the learning session to 'Completed' for the list of users for whom you marked the attendance. 

Option 2 - Bulk upload of users who attended/not attended the learning session.

Kindly follow the below steps to upload the attendance in bulk:

Click on the ' Bulk Upload' option at the top right corner in the Manage Attendance Page.

It will take you to the following page. Here, select the type of action and the user identifier. 

  • The type of action will be "Mark as Attendance" when you want to upload the list of users who attended the training. 
  • The type of action will be  "Mark as Not Attendance" when you want to upload the list of users who did not attend the training. 
  • You can choose the user identifier as 'Email address" when you have the email address of the attended/not attended users. Or you can choose the user identifier as 'User identifier" when you have the emp id or any other unique value to identify users in SmartWinnr.

After selecting the type of action and the user identifier, click on the 'Download Template' option to download the template in which you should upload the user details to mark attendance. Following is a sample of how to fill in the Attendance template:

 Prepare the CSV in downloaded template format with the email address or other unique identifier recorded in SmartWinnr for each user and upload the same into the system to mark as Attended/not attended.

To mark the attendance from the SmartWinnr user view

If the instructor for the learning session has the user role in SmartWinnr, he can mark the attendance of trainees from his SmartWinnr account in the SmartWinnr Mobile App or SmartWinnr web view(

Click here to learn more on how to mark attendance from the SmartWinnr app/ web view.