How to take the SmartPath Assigned to me in SmartWinnr?

A SmartPath is a structured learning path for you that contains various tasks like SmartFeeds, quizzes, surveys, video coaching, or learning sessions added to it. You should follow this path and complete one module after the other to learn a particular topic/concept.

Whenever a new SmartPath is assigned to you in SmartWinnr, you will get a push notification to your mobile device and an email notification to your registered email address.

Follow the below steps to take the SmartPath assigned to you in SmartWinnr:

Step:1 Go to the Left menu > SmartPath.This will give you the list of Smartpaths assigned to you. Choose the SmartPath that you would like to attend now.

Alternative step: Go to th e Dashboard > My Task. This will give you the list of activities assigned to you. Choose the SmartPath that you would like to attend now.

Step 2: Clicking on the SmartPath will take you inside the Smartpath where you can find the various modules added to your SmartPath.

Step 3: Tap on the first activity to start attending the SmartPath. This will take you inside the first activity. For example, in the above picture, the first activity of the SmartPath is to complete a SmartFeed called 'Great Resources'. This will take you to the SmartFeed which you should read through/watch to complete this activity.

Step 4. Tap on ' Next Button' at the top right corner after completing the first activity. This will take you to the next activity in the module.

You can have various learning sessions added to your SmartPath. Learning sessions are virtual/classroom sessions conducted as part of your training with SmartPath. There are two type of learning sessions available in SmartWinnr:

  • Classroom Learning Session - This is basically an offline classroom session where the training is scheduled on SmartWinnr and you have to attend the classroom training session physically. 
  • Virtual Learning Session - This is an online session conducted on any virtual platform like Zoom, Google meet, etc where the learning session can be scheduled under the Smartwinnr platform. 

If you have a learning session added to your SmartPath, you will find the details of the same under the learning session activity.

If your learning session is a Classroom session, you can find the details of the session including the location where the session is conducted, the instructor who conducts the session, start date/time and end date/time, etc.

If your learning session is a virtual session, you can find the details of the session including the link to which you should join to attend the session, the instructor who conducts the session, start date/time and end date/time, etc.

Tap on the link or copy the link to your browser to log in to the virtual session. 

Note: Your learning session will be marked as 'Completed' only once the instructor who conducted the training mark your attendance for the learning session

You can click on the 'Home Icon' at the top right corner to go back to the module list page and track your progress in the current SmartPath

The green bar here shows how much you have progressed in the given module.