How to create a SmartFeed?

Login to SmartWinnr Backend Portal.

Go to EDITOR > LEARNING AND KNOWLEDGE > SmartFeeds > View All SmartFeeds. 

It will open the following page:

"My SmartFeed" tab: Shows the list of Smartfeeds that are created by you. "Other SmartFeed" tab: Shows the list of Smart feeds created by other editors to which you have access permission.

In order to create a new SmartFeed, click on the 'Add New SmartFeed' button on the top right-hand corner of the page.

You will see the 'Create SmartFeed' screen:


SmartWinnr allows you to create SmartFeeds with various types of content like images, videos, audios, PDF, and Powerpoint presentations. 

  • If you would like to create SmartFeeds with plain text, images, audios, PDF, or reference to any external links, you can choose the content type as 'SmartFeed'.

  • If you would like to send a Powerpoint presentation as a SmartFeed, you can choose the content type as 'Presentation'.

Choose Language

You can choose the language in which you want to send the SmartFeed, by clicking on the ‘ Change Language’ button on the right. English is chosen as the predefined language.

You will see this list of languages only if different languages have been enabled in your organization. If you would like to send SmartFeeds in different languages, please contact your system administrator or write to

SmartFeed Title

You can choose a title for the SmartFeed you are sending. This will be visible to the recipients. 

Ideally, this title should sum up what the SmartFeed is about

Add the title under the SmartFeed Title section. 

Send Simple Text

If the content is a simple message that you want to send, start by writing the text in the box below.

Send Videos

You can also send videos of products, product demonstrations, customer feedback, customer stories, and more in SmartFeed.
Following is how a SmartFeed with videos appears in the SmartWinnr app:

Send Pictures

If you would like to add an image to your SmartFeed, learn how to add an image to your SmartFeed.
Following is how a SmartFeed with an image appears in the SmartWinnr app.

Send Reference Links

If you would like to add any reference to an external link in your SmartFeed, learn how to add an external link reference in your SmartFeed.

Following is how a SmartFeed with an external link appears in the SmartWinnr app.

Send Audios

If you would like to add an audio file to your SmartFeed, learn how to add audio to your SmartFeed.
Following is how a SmartFeed with audio appears in the SmartWinnr app. Click on the play button to listen to the audio file.

Send PDF Documents

If you would like to add a PDF file to your SmartFeed, learn how to add a PDF to your SmartFeed.

Following is how a SmartFeed with PDF file appears in the SmartWinnr app. 
Click on the PDF file open the PDF.

This will open the PDF file attached to the SmartFeed as follows.

Send Powerpoint Presentations

You can also add a Powerpoint presentation to your SmartFeed. Learn how to add a PowerPoint presentation to your SmartFeed.


In the settings section, you get to choose when to send out a particular SmartFeed. You can send it right away by choosing the 'Send Now' option or schedule to send it at a later date. 

Also, you get to choose the expiration of the SmartFeed. Choosing 'Never' will make the SmartFeed always available or set an expiry date after which the SmartFeed won't be visible.

The 'Enable Share' option lets you share a SmartFeed through WhatsApp or email.

Select Categories

Categorize your SmartFeed from the categories that are already pre-defined for your business unit. Choose the categories and then click on the 'Save New SmartFeed' button below it.