How to create a 'Drag and Drop into Text question '.

In drag and drop into text questions, the participants must drag and drop text options from an answer bank into the question text.

Below are the steps to follow in order to create a matching question:

  1. Go to EDITOR > LEARNING AND KNOWLEDGE > Questions and Quizzes > Question Bank.
  2. Click on the 'Add New Question' button at the top right corner.

  3.  On the 'Create new Question' select the 'Question Type' as ‘Drag And Drop In Text’.

  4. Enter your question in the ‘Question’ field. Here you first have to add the number of missing words that you want in the question. 

For example if you have only 1 missing word in your question, then you will create 1 group of answers for that 1 missing filed.

  1. Add the options to be used in that missing filed and select 1 correct option as well. Assign these option to the Group 1 as shown in the image as we only have 1 missing field, So there will be only 1 group.

Question Feedback

Use ‘Correct Feedback’ and 'Incorrect Feedback' if you want to add additional information to a question.  (Optional

The feedback is visible only after the participant has completed answering the questions in a quiz. You can add text, videos, or images to feedback.

Select Categories

In SmartWinnr, every question requires at least one category. Categories are pre-defined by your administrator. You can select one or more categories that best defines a question.

Once you have filled in the required details of the question, click on the 'Save New Question' button in order to save the question.