How to Award Points on Badge Assignment

Before you go ahead with the assignment, You'll have to create the required badges.

Learn How To Create Badges

Here are the steps to award points on assigning badges as part of the competition:

  1. Go to Left Menu>>GAMIFICATION AND ENGAGEMENT>>Competitions.
  2. Open the Competition from which you would like to assign badges and award points on assigning the same.
  3. From the landing page or first step of Competition, choose the hamburger menu on the top right-hand corner and select the option 'Assign Badges' to go ahead with assigning the badges.

  4. Once you select the above mentioned option, you will be redirected to the page from which you'll be redirect to the assignment page for badges.
  5. Click on the Advanced search option to have a better option to find out/select the users by using the 'Search' functionality. Type the name or email id of the user to whom you would like to assign badges and then hit the 'Search' button.

  6. It will pop up the user details as follows and click on the 'Assign' button to start assigning the badge.

  7. It will take you to the assignment page from which you can choose the type of badge you would like to award.
  8. Mention the point that you would like to allocate along with the badge and add a comment you would like to notify the user.

  9. Once you fill up the data with points and comments on the above mentioned page, click on the Save button. It will get the badge assigned to the user and the user be notified on the same. Upon assigning the badges, you'll be able to see the User wise assigned badges along with points as follows.

  10. User can log into the app and see the assigned badge as well as the allocated points to be updated to the competition leaderboard.

Kindly note the following points:

  • Keep the Competition active, in order to allocate the points on Badge assignment and get it updated on the Competition leaderboard.
  • Once you create the Badges, no need to assign it individually (as we are providing an option to assign badges outside of the competition). Since the points to be allocated on the assignments, you need to do the assignment within the competition as mentioned.