How to send the SmartFeed to Teams?

SmartWinnr provides a way to send the SmartFeeds to groups/teams.This will enable you to send the SmartFeeds to large number of users in one go. Also it provides a functionality that if we assign SmartFeeds to groups and the new members added to the team will also get the active SmartFeeds that are part of the group and no need to send it again to the new users.

Kindly note that the push notification and email notification will not go to the new users while assigning the past SmartFeeds.

1. Choose a SmartFeed to share with your teams.

2. Click on the ‘ Send’ button at the top right corner.

This will take to the page where it asks whom do you want to send the SmartFeed. If you would like to send it to the members of a specific group, you can filter it with the available group filter in this page. You will have access to the groups that you have already created. You can search the participants by their name, email id, territory and more.

After selecting the participants, click on ' Send SmartFeed' at the end of the page to successfully send the SmartFeed to the participants.

You can view and edit it if required.