How to create 'Fill-In-The-Blank' Questions.

The fill-in-the-blanks question allows participants to write text answers. Please note that the answers given by the participants need to exactly match the answers given in the question. 

Here is how you can create a 'Fill in the Blanks' question.

  1. Go to EDITOR > LEARNING AND KNOWLEDGE > Questions and Quizzes > Question Bank.
  2. Click on the 'Add New Question' button at the top right corner
  3. On the 'Create new Question' select the 'Question Type' as ‘Fill-in-the-blank’.
  4. Enter your question in the ‘Question’ field.

  5. Enter the appropriate ‘answers’ for the ‘questions’ in the ‘Items’ field.

  6. You can select the ‘Match Type’ to be either ‘Exact Match’, ‘Partial Match’ or ‘Ordered Partial Match’ for a detailed explanation click here.
  7. Use ‘Feedback’ if you want to add additional information to a question.  (Optional) The feedback is visible only after the participant has completed answering the questions in a quiz. You can add text, videos or images to feedback.
  8. In SmartWinnr, every question requires at least one category. Categories are pre-defined by your administrator. You can select one or more categories that best defines a question.

A note on copying questions from Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word adds certain hidden characters and markups to every document. If you directly copy text from a Word document, these hidden artifacts can create the problem, especially in mobile devices. To avoid this issue, if you are copying any question from a Word document, please follow these steps:

Copy the text from the Word Document into Notepad. This removes all hidden markups.
Then copy the text from Notepad into SmartWinnr → Question box.


For the question, you can have various elements like Simple Text, Videos, Images, Links, or Audio.

The Match Type option determines how the answer provided by the Quiz taker is matched with the correct answer provided for the question. There are three different match types provided for a fill in the blanks question:

  • Exact Match - If the exact match option is selected for your fill in the blank question, the user will be given points only if his answer exactly matches with the answer (including the uppercase and lowercase characters, spelling, etc) provided for the question. For example, if the answer to the question is 'Delhi' with the exact match option, the system will not consider answers like 'Delhi' or 'New Delhi' or 'New Delhi' as correct answers. 
  • Partial Match: If the Partial match option is selected for your fill in the blank question, the user will be given points if his answer partially matches with the answer provided for the question. The Partial Match option asks you to enter the Match Threshold for the answer, which is the % to which answer provided by the quiz taker should match with the correct answer for the question. For example, if the answer to the question is 'Delhi' with the Match Threshold set to 60, answers like 'New Delhi' or 'Delhi' will be considered as the correct answer.

You can check if variations of the answer provided will be valid or invalid with the check option against the item.     


  • Ordered Partial Match: If the Ordered Partial match option is selected for your fill in the blank question, the quiz taker will be given points only if his answer and the order of the words in his answer matches with the answer provided for the question. For example, if the answer is 'United States of America' with a match threshold as 85 and the participant has provided his answer as 'The United States' or 'America' will be considered as a valid answer whereas an answer like 'United States America' will be an invalid answer.


If it's just a text question, then you can simply write it in the box


You can pose a question through a video as well. Choose videos of products, product demonstrations, customer feedback, customer stories and ask questions based on that. Click on the video icon. You can add your own videos to the question or videos from YouTube, Box, and Brainshark.

Learn how to add different videos to a question


Images or pictures can be sent with a question by clicking on the image icon. Then click on the 'Choose File' button to select the required files from the computer.

Learn how to add an image to the question


You can also insert a link with the question by clicking on the links icon. 

Learn how to embed a link into the question


You can also send an audio file with the question by clicking on the Audio icon.

Learn how to embed an audio file into the question

You can change the language of the question by clicking on the "Change Language" button at the top right corner of this section. It will open the following popup:

Choose the language to which you want to change and then click on the "Save" button.

Once you have filled in the required details of the question, click on the ' Save New Question' button in order to save the question.