How to upload questions in bulk using 'Import Questions'.

Here are the steps to import questions in bulk:

Step-1: Download CSV Template

The first step in the bulk upload is to download the CSV template to create questions. Follow the below steps to download the CSV template:

Go to Questions and Quizzes > Question Bank. Click on the hamburger icon and select 'Import Questions'.

Now, on the import questions page, click on the 'Download Template' button at the top right corner. This downloads the CSV template successfully into your computer.

Double click on the CSV file to open it.

You can open a CSV file with your Excel application. 

This is how a sample CSV file will look like:

It gives samples of all the 3 types of questions that you can create through this method. 

Step:2 Add questions to the CSV

Open the downloaded CSV file and fill all the fields in it. Here are various fields in the CSV file and how you can fill it out:

Question Text: This field contains the question text.

Categories: This field contains the category that a question belongs to. Every question has to be assigned to one or the other category.

Question Type: This field tells what type a particular question is: MultiSlect, Fill in the blanks, or Matching

Answer options: These fields contain the answer options for a question.

Correct option: This field contains the correct answer to a question. 

Matching Left and Matching Right: This field contains the left and right matching answers for a matching question.

Distractors: This field contains distractors (additional choices on the right side) for a matching question.

Feedback: You can fill this field with any additional information that you may want to give about a question.

Language: This field contains the language in which you want to create the question.

There are certain mandatory fields that have to be filled in order to upload the CSV file successfully. The mandatory fields are-- Question text, Categories, Question Type, Answer Options (depends on question type), correct answers(depends upon question type), matching left and matching right (depends upon the question type)

Here are Do's and Don't to keep in mind while creating the CSV file:


  1. Make sure all the mandatory fields in the CSV are filled.
  2. Make sure the values that you fill are correct and are in accordance with the pre-defined categories.


  1. Do not add or remove a column
  2. Do not change the order of the columns
  3. Keep the column headers as they are

Once the CSV file is filled with all the questions and necessary information, it will be ready to be uploaded.

Step:3 Upload CSV

To upload the CSV file, click on the ' Choose file' button and select the CSV file to be uploaded. Then, click on the 'Upload' button.

On successful upload, you will be able to see the list of questions in the file in the 'User Upload Status' section.

You can view a question by clicking on the 'View Question' button.

Common Error codes

In case there are any missing or incorrect values in the CSV file, then it displays errors while uploading it. You will get to see the list of errors in the file in 'Validation errors during upload' section.

View Logs and Check Questions

You can view the log status by clicking on the ' View Logs' button. 

It opens the following page:

Here you can see the uploaded questions or errors of a particular entry. Click on the ' View Questions' button to see all the questions. Below is the screenshot of how the questions will be displayed.

Click on ' View Errors' button to view the errors in the file. Below is the screenshot of how the errors will be displayed.