Quiz types

Manual Quiz

Manual quizzes are sent manually by the quiz editor. You can schedule to send the quiz on a future date. However, the editor has to select the questions for the quiz.

Automatic Quiz

In the automatic quiz, the SmartWinnr system can automatically send targeted questions to each individual participant based on their past response history. This could be helpful if you have a large question bank but want to send only a few questions per quiz over a period of time to cover the entire question bank. The editor can specify different options in an auto-quiz, including:

  • The frequency of quiz delivery: No. of days between successive quiz delivery. For example, if set to 1, every day the SmartWinnr system will send 1 quiz to all the participants assigned to the quiz.
  • The number of Questions per Quiz: Determines how many questions should be sent in each quiz.
  • The number of correct responses for a question to stop it from being repeated: If set to 1, after the participant has answered a question correctly, it will not be repeated.

There are different types of quizzes that can be created within SmartWinnr. You can use this simple list to decide on which quiz type will suit your case.

Number Requirement SmartWinnr Quiz Type How to Create?
1 Pre-training assessment that will happen one-time Manual Quiz Questions and Quizzes > View All Quizzes > Add New Quiz > Quiz Type = ‘Manual’
2 A quiz (with the same questions) that can be taken multiple times before a minimum score is achieved. All quiz takers get the same questions in the same order Manual Quiz with Multiple Attempts Questions and Quizzes > View All Quizzes > Add New Quiz -> Quiz Type = ‘Manual’ and check the ‘Allow multiple attempts' checkbox.
3 A quiz with the timer Manual Quiz with Timer Questions and Quizzes > View All Quizzes > Add New Quiz -> Quiz Type = ‘Manual’ and check the ‘Enable timer?’ checkbox.