How to create a manual quiz?

Go to Editor > LEARNING AND KNOWLEDGE > Questions and Quizzes > View All Quizzes -> Add New Quiz.

On the 'Create New Quiz' page, select Quiz Type = Manual.

  • Start Date – Click on the calendar icon to select the start date of the quiz. The quiz will become available to the quiz takers from this date and time.
  • End Date - Click on the calendar icon to select the end date of the quiz. The quiz will cease to become available to the quiz takers from this date and time.

Quiz Settings

  • Quiz Title – Title of the quiz. This will be visible to the users.
  • Quiz Description – Description of the quiz in a few words.
  • Enable Timer? – Check this option if you want this quiz to be timed. Enter the number of minutes within which the quiz takers will have to complete the quiz. Check the 'Show Time' option if you would like to show the time taken by each quiz taker in the quiz leaderboard.
  • Allow multiple attempts for this quiz? – Check this option if you want quiz takers to be able to take this quiz till they score a minimum percentage. Enter the percentage in the text box below.
  • Allow Quiz Retake – Check this option if you want quiz takers to be able to retake this quiz on their own.
  • Show Quiz Review–  Check this option if you would like to show the correct options and feedbacks provided for the questions in the quiz. Quiz takers can view the review answers options once they successfully complete the quiz. By default, the 'Show Quiz Review' option is checked for each quiz. SmartWinnr allows you to lock/unlock the review option for a quiz at any time if the quiz was created with a review option. To lock the review for an existing quiz, go to Editor > Questions and Quizzes > View All Quizzes > Select the quiz > Lock Review. 
  • Randomly Assign Questions – This option allows you to assign a random set of questions to each participant in the quiz. If you check this option, the system will ask for the Number of Questions per Quiz. For example, if the Number of Questions per Quiz is set to 10 and you have 30 questions added to the quiz, the system will automatically send 10 random questions out of the 30 questions to each participant. If you choose the Randomize Question by tag option, this will allow you to customize the number of questions from each tag.
  • Question skip in Quiz – Check this option if you want to allow quiz takers to skip questions in this quiz.   
  • Add the result to all Leaderboards? – This will give you different options like add to all leaderboards, only to quiz leaderboard, or add to no leaderboard.
  • Custom Email Subject – This option allows you to set a custom email subject for the email notification that is sent to the quiz takers. If you check this option, the system will ask for the message to be delivered to the users. By default, the email subject is 'New quiz assigned'.
  • Custom Message on Completion – This option allows you to edit the pop-up message that the quiz taker will see on completing the quiz. If you check this option, the system will ask for a custom message that the participants will see on completing the quiz. By default, it will display a message 'You have successfully completed this quiz'.
  • Set Reminder - This feature lets you set a reminder and schedule it to be delivered to the quiz takers about the status of the quiz. 
    Learn How to Add a Reminder for your Quiz

    Add Questions to Quiz

    Once you have completed the steps to create a quiz, you can now add questions to the quiz.
    Select questions by searching with the different search criteria and checking the checkbox to the left of each question. 

 After selecting the questions, click on ‘Save’. Next, we can assign the quiz to the participants.

Assign the quiz to participants

Once you have completed the steps of creating a quiz and adding questions to the quiz, you can now assign this quiz to different participants.

You can use several search criteria to select people to assign the quiz. Check the checkboxes of the participants to whom you want to assign the quiz.

Once you have selected the participants, click on the ‘Save’ button at the bottom of the page.

You can also select a specific group of users to whom you want to send the quiz. 

On assigning the quiz to participants, a success popup message like this will show.