What is SmartWinnr Quiz Analytics?

SmartWinnr provides a very detailed set of analytics on every quiz that you have created and assigned to people.

Go to EDITOR > LEARNING AND KNOWLEDGE > Questions and Quizzes > View All Quizzes

This list shows the quizzes that you have created. For every quiz, it shows a summary of

  • Participation – The overall participation percentage along with actual numbers. For example, in the screenshot, it shows that the participation for the quiz 'GK TEST' till now is 100%, with 1 person out of 1 have taken the quiz.
  • Percentage Score – The average percentage score of all the people who have taken the quiz till now
  • Status – This shows the status of the quiz – whether its still active, or closed or yet to start
  • Analytics – This is a button that will take you to detailed analytics of the quiz.
  • Download report – This will give you a detailed report on the quiz in an excel format.