How to create a module for SmartPath.

Follow the below steps to create a module for SmartPath:

Go to EDITOR > LEARNING AND KNOWLEDGE > SmartPaths > View All Modules.

On this page, click on the 'Create Module' button at the top right corner of the screen.


   Create a Module

Business Unit: Select a business for which you are creating this module.

Module Title: Give a title for the module.

Description: Give a short description of the module.

You can also change the  Cover Image and Color of the module card by using the icons below:  

Once you are done filling up these details, click on the 'Save Module' button

Now, you will be taken to the next step in creating a module.  


  Add Segments

The next step is to add segments like Quizzes, SmartFeeds, Coachings, and Surveys to the module.

To proceed further, click on the 'Add Segment' button at the top right corner of the page. It will take you to the following page where you can either create these segments or duplicate and use some of the existing ones:

1. Creating a Segment:

To create a segment, choose the appropriate option in 'Select Segment Type', enter the 'Name' for the segment and click on the 'Create' button.

It will take you to the page where you have to enter all the details related to creating a particular segment. 

Check out the links below to know how to create each of the segments:

Learn how to create a SmartFeed

Learn how to create a Quiz

Learn how to create a Survey

Learn how to create a Video Coaching

2. Duplicate Existing Segments:

In order to duplicate existing segments, you just have to simply click on the 'Duplicate' button that is to the right-hand side of a segment.

It will open the following pop-up asking you to confirm if you would like to duplicate the segment:

Click on 'YES' and the segment gets added to the module successfully. 

It will get displayed in a module as shown in the screenshot below:

You can add multiple segments to a module. You can click on the 'Reorder Segments' button at the top right corner to re-order the segments in modules. 

You can drag and drop the segments in order to re-order them. Once you are done re-ordering, click on the 'Done' button.

Manage Rule:

You can also apply rules to these segments.

For example, you could choose to give access to the next segment in the module depending on:

  • If the previous segment is completed or not
  • On a particular date
  • And, if the participant has scored a certain threshold score in the previous segment

Please note that the rules can be applied only from the second segment of a segment

To apply rules, click on the 'Manage Rules' button that is beside each segment. It opens the following pop-up:

1. Day Wise: If you select the 'Type' as Day Wise, then you have to select a day and time at which the segment can be accessed. Once you enter these details, click on the 'Add Rule' button to add the segment successfully.

2. On Completion: If you select 'On Completion', you have to select a segment. Only upon completion of this segment, the participants will be able to access the next segment. Click on 'Add Rule' once done.

3. By Score: If you select this option, you have to choose a segment in Segments and set criteria. You can set a Score and a Comparator 'Less Than', 'Greater Than', 'Equal To'.

Only upon achieving the threshold score that is set for this segment, the participant will be able to access the next segment. 

For example, you can say that only if someone gets a score of 2 in the previous segment, he will be able to access the next segment.

Click on Done once you have finished filling the filter rules.

Congratulations!, now you have successfully created a module for SmartPath.