How to create a SmartPath.

Prerequisite: Please refer to the article on creating modules before you proceed with creating SmartPath

Follow the below steps to create a SmartPath:

Go to EDITOR > LEARNING AND KNOWLEDGE > SmartPaths > View All SmartPaths. Click on the 'Create SmartPath' button.

It opens the following page where you can enter the details to create your SmartPath.

There are four steps involved in creating a SmartPath:

1. Creating the SmartPath

The first step involves entering basic details about the SmartPath.

  • Select a 'Business Unit' for the SmartPath 
  • Giving a 'Title' and a short 'description' for the SmartPath

In this step, you can change the language of the SmartPath by clicking on the 'Change Language' button.
It will open the following pop-up where you can select your preferred language.

You can change the Cover Image and Color of the SmartPath using the icons below:

You can also add a  'Completion Certificate' that would be awarded to the participants on the completion of the SmartPath, using the option below:

Once you add everything on this page, Click on the 'Save SmartPath' button. 

This will take you to the next step in the creation of SmartPath:

2. Adding Modules to SmartPath

The second step shows the following page:

Here, Click on the 'Add Modules' button at the top right corner of the screen.
It will show a list of modules you can choose and add to the SmartPath:

You can search for the modules by the business unit or search with their name. Once you select your preferred modules, Click on the ' Add Selected ' button. The modules will get added to the SmartPath successfully.

Then it opens the following page where the list of modules assigned to the SmartPath is shown:

Here you can re-order the modules added to the SmartPath. In order to re-order them, click on the ' Re-order Modules' button. It will open the following pop-up:

Now, you can drag and drop the modules to change their order. Once done, click on the 'Save' button to save the changes.

You can also establish some rules for the modules.

For example, you could choose to give access to the next module in the SmartPath depending on:

  • If the previous module is completed or not
  • On a particular date
  • And, if the participant has scored a certain threshold score in the previous module
Please note that the rules can be applied only from the second segment of a module

To apply rules, click on the 'Manage Rules' button that is beside each module. It opens the following pop-up:

Day Wise: If you select the Type as Day Wise, then you have to select a day and time at which the module can be accessed. Once you enter these details, click on the 'Add Rule' button to add the module successfully.

On Completion: If you select 'On Completion', you have to select a module. Only upon completion of this module, the participants will be able to access the next module. Click on 'Add Rule' once done.

By score: If you select this option, you have to choose a module in Modules. Only on achieving the threshold score that is set for this module, the participant will be able to access the next module. For example, you can say that only if someone gets a score of 10 in the previous module, he will be able to access the next module.

As shown in the screenshot below, You can set a Score and a Comparator--  'Less Than', 'Greater Than', 'Equal To'

 3. Assign Batches

Now the third step is to assign batches of participants to this SmartPath. On the following page, click on the 'View Batches' button at the top right corner of the screen.

It will open the following page:

Here, click on the 'Create Batch' button at the top right corner. It will open the following screen

On this page, give a name to the batch of users to whom you are assigning the SmartPath. Select the start and end date of the SmartPath, and then select the participants that you want to assign.

You can filter the participants based on Business Unit, Country, and Group. Select the desired participants and click on the 'Assign Users' button.

This creates your SmartPath successfully and assigns it to the participants.

4. Add Coach to Coaching

This is the last step in creating SmartPath.

You will get to this step only if you have added video coaching as a segment to any module added to the SmartPath. This is the step where you add coaches to that video coaching.

Here is the page where you add the coaches:

  • Give the name of the group to whom you are assigning the SmartPath
  • Select the start and end date of the SmartPath
  • Select the number of coaches that you are going to assign for each individual's coaching

Once you fill these details, click on the 'Assign Coach' button. This will assign the coaches to the coaching successfully.