How can I Gamify a SmartPath?

Make your SmartPaths interesting for your learners by creating a competition around them. Follow the below steps to create a SmartPath competition:

Go to EDITOR > LEARNING AND KNOWLEDGE > SmartPaths > View All SmartPaths. It opens the following page:

Click on Batches option against the SmartPath for which you want to create competition. It opens the following page where you can see the list of batches to whom the SmartPath is assigned. 

Now,  click on the 'Create Competition' button that is to the right-hand side of a batch as shown in the image below. 

It will show you a pop-up with the list of SmartPath competitions that are already created. If you would like to create new competition for the selected batch, click on the Create button at bottom right corner.

This will take you to the competition creation page as follows:


Creating Competition

SmartPath Name: This name will be taken from the SmartPath that you have created and will be updated here automatically.

SmartPath Assigned Group: This is the SmartPath's group for which this competition is being created. This field will also get updated automatically.

Competition Name: Enter the name of the competition here.

Description/Rules: Give a short description of the competition or mention the rules of the competition here.

Upload PDF (if any): You can upload any PDF content with the rules or other instructions for the competition which will be available to the players.

Start Date and End Date: This takes the start and end date of the SmartPath - selected batch.

Competition Themes: You can select appropriate theme for the competition.

Once you are done filling up all these details, click on the "Save" button. This saves the competition for the SamrtPath successfully.


View Competition participants

This is the step where the participants get assigned to the competition. Here the participant's list will be the same as the participant's list of the SmartPath - selected batch. So, you don't need to select the participants separately for the competition. The system takes the participant's list from the SmartPath that you have created and updated it for the competition automatically.

You cannot change/edit the participants while creating a competition. If you need to make any changes to the participant's list then you have to go to the SmartPath and make changes to the batch. Those changes will automatically reflect the participants of the competition as well.


Add Leaderboard of Competition 

This is the step where you can add Leaderboards to the competition. You can create Leaderboards by clicking the ' Add' button at the top right corner.


Assign Tasks to the Competition

The task of the competition will be the SmartPath that you have created

You cannot directly make changes to the tasks in the SmartPath competition. SmartWinnr automatically add the tasks to the competiton when it is SmartPath competition.

Now, the competition for your SmartPath is successfully created.