How to review a video coaching assignment.

Only users with Editor and Manager role can review a coaching video.

The coach of a particular coaching assignment will receive an email once a participant submits his video response to that assignment. Here is an example screenshot of the email, the coaches are going to receive.  

To review a coaching video, the coach can directly click on the "click here" link in the email or follow the below steps to see all the submitted video responses:

Step 1: Go to Coaching > Video Coaching > My Reviews.

Step 2: To review coaching of a particular participant, click on the thumbnail of the uploaded video directly or click on 'View All' 

button to see all the uploaded coaching videos.

Here, you can search for a particular coaching video by its status- Pending Review, Pending Response, Review Done and by the name of the participant.

Step 3: On the review coaching page, review the video from the video editor on the left side.

Step 4: On the right side, use competency sliders to rate the participant. Provide your feedback in the feedback box. 

Step 5: Once you have given your rating and feedback on the coaching, click on the 'Submit Review' button which will submit your feedback successfully.

What happens after a coach submits feedback?

Once you submit your review for a coaching response, the participant will get notified about it through email. Below, is the 

example screenshot of the email, the participant is going to get:

The participant can see the review by clicking on the "click here" link in the email.