How to share a Coaching Video.

This feature enables you to share coaching videos that are submitted by the reps with anyone.You can share these video as examples with your entire team.This fosters peer-learning and improves team-wide performance.

Also,you can create competitions among the sales reps and challenge them to submit their best recording which will then get shared with the entire team as the best example video.

Only the users with the Editor/Manager role can share a coaching video.

Follow the below steps to share a video:

Go to your Left Menu > Coaching > Video Coaching > My Reviews. On this page click on the 'View All' button of a particular video.  Here you will get to see all the coachings that are created or owned by you.

To share a particular video, click on the share button at the right corner. This will open the following page:

On this page,select the users with whom you wish to share the video. You can also give a message about the video that you are sharing.

Once you have selected the users, click on the 'Share Video' button. The video will then get shared with the selected users successfully.

The users with whom the video has been shared will get an email notification about it. Below is the screenshot of the email notification. 
Now, click on the 'View Video' button which opens the following page with the video.                                       
Here you can watch the video.