What is 'My Team Coaching'?

'My Team Coaching' enables the manager to view the coaching that has been assigned to all her team members. This way, the manager gets to know about the coaching her team members are taking currently.

Below are the steps to view the coachings that have been assigned to your team members.

Log in to the SmartWinnr app.

Switch to MANAGER VIEW > Goto Left Menu >> Under Coaching Section select 'My Team'.    

Here you can find all your reportees and the response videos that they have submitted for the coaching assigned to them. Click on the "View Submissions" button to view the submissions by the team members.

It will show all the response videos submitted by your reportee for the various coaching assignments assigned to him in SmartWinnr.

You can search for a specific reportee in the search bar available on the top or you can apply a date filter which will give you the coaching assignments within the selected date range.

Click on the filter icon at the top right corner to apply the 'Date Range' filter.

You can select the date range and click on " Apply" button to successfully apply the date filters.