How to give other editors access to a particular activity/task you created in SmartWinnr

How to give access permission to an activity or task you have created?

Once a task like a quiz, survey, coaching, SmartFeeds, competition etc are created in SmartWinnr, there is an option to provide other editors access to this activity or task. This will help those editors to view and access the analytics and report of the quiz/survey/other activity to which you have given access. 

Follow the below steps in order to give other editor access to a task you created in SmartWinnr:

Go to the task to which you would like to give access. For example, if you need to give access to a quiz that you have created in SmartWinnr, goto Left Menu >> Editor>> Questions and Quizzes >> View all quizzes. Here, select the required quiz for which you would like to give access.

This will take you to the quiz that you have selected. Click on the hamburger icon at the top right-hand corner of the page and then choose the 'Access Permission' option.

It will open the following screen where you can select the users to whom you want to give access permission. The list will have all the editors from your organization.

Once you have selected the users, click on the 'Save' button to save the changes.

How will it appear to the people who have got permission

An editor who has been given permission to access an activity/task will be able to see it under the others tab of quiz/survey/smartfeeds/coachings etc.
Below is a screenshot of how an Editor will be able to see the quizzes that he has been given access to. 

You can filter these coaching based on the Date Range, Divisions and the person who has created it.