How to set competencies.

Only users with Admin role can add/modify competencies. 

Competencies provide a way to select skills and behaviors based on which a learner can be evaluated. These competencies can be selected according to the preferences of your organization or a business unit. For example, competencies for the sales department could be effective  opening, creating value, handling objection etc.,

To add/modify competencies go to ADMIN > Coaching Settings. Click on the " Add New" button.

It will open the following pop up.

Fill the required details to create the competency here.

Business Unit: Select the business unit for which the competency has been created.

Competency Group Identifier: Give a name that uniquely identifies the competency group.

Competency Group Display Name: This gives you an option to display the competency group name in various different languages depending on the user's preferred language.

Once you have filled the required details, click on the "Add Competency" button and then click on "Save Competencies".

The created competencies will get added to the competency settings.