Quiz Analytics through Charts

Overall Team Analytics through Charts

SmartWinnr allows you to analytics the knowledge of your team based on their performance in the quizzes assigned to them. The quiz analytics in Manager-view explains the performance of your team based on various knowledge categories available in SmartWinnr.
To access the quiz analytics page for your team, go to Left Menu >> Quiz >> Click on  Analytics tab in the Manager view.

This will take you through the team Analytics which is represented with several graphs.

Following are the brief description of each graph in the Team Analytics: 

1. Quiz Category-Wise Performance of your Team

This chart will give you the Overall Performance of your Team across Different categories like Knowledge Attributes, Selling Skills, Onboarding, Compliance etc. This will help you to identify the areas of strength and areas of improvement in your team.  

You can change the category to see other areas by clicking on the Filter button.  

2. Detailed Performance by Quiz Category and Territory
This is a colour-coded chart to show the performance of quiz categories by territory, business function, distributors, and more.  
Click on the Filter option to filter it with the territory, business function, distributors, and more.  
3. Compare Each Team Member by Quiz Category  
You will be able to select team members and compare their performance across different topics. You can easily identify the areas of improvements and areas of strength of every person in your team. 
Click on the 'Select Members' button to select specific members in your team.  
4. Compare your Team's Performance vs Organization Average  
Check how your team stands with respect to the rest of the organization.