Finding Status and Scores for Quizzes assigned to your Team

How to find the quiz status of the team for each quiz
1.Left Menu >> Quiz >> Click on  Quizzes  tab.
2.This will give you the list of quizzes assigned to your team. You can find the active quizzes on the top along with the remaining active days for each quiz. Select the desired quiz from the list.                           
3. This will open up the following page where you can see the completion status for each team member for the particular quiz.  On the right - hand side, you can find the completion status for each member as - "Not Started", "Pending " or"Completed".You can also find the scores obtained by the team members if they have already completed the quiz.

4.To filter with the various completion status, click on the down-arrow at the top-right corner. This will give you the various filter options like -  "All", "Not Started", "In Progress"  and "Completed".