How to add Learning Sessions In SmartPath Module?

SmartWinnr allows you to set up Learning sessions as part of the SmartPath. There are two types of learning sessions available in SmartWinnr:

  • Classroom Learning Session - This is basically an offline classroom session where the training is scheduled on SmartWinnr and users have to attend the classroom training session physically. 
  • Virtual Learning Session - This is an online session conducted on any virtual platform like Zoom, Google meet, etc where the learning session can be scheduled under the Smartwinnr platform. 

To conduct and schedule the learning session, the editor should create a SmartPath Module under which the offline classroom session or online Virtual Session can be scheduled. Creating a SmartPath Module for learning sessions is similar to the way we create quizzes/surveys/SmartFeeds in SmartPath Module.

Please follow the below steps to create a module for the Learning session.

Go to  EDITORLEARNING AND KNOWLEDGESmartPaths > View All Modules

On this page, click on the ' Create Module' button at the  top right corner of the screen.

Here add a title to your Module which can be the name for the Training session or the topic for discussion. You can also write details about the training in the Description and add a cover image based on the topic of training/company.  Click on Save Module and proceed to the next step.

The first half of the module is now created and to proceed further,  Click on the 'Add Segment button at the top right corner of the page.

To create a segment that is basically the classroom/virtual session,  choose the option- Learning Session in the 'Select Segment Type' dropdown as shown below.

After selecting the Learning Session,  enter the 'Name' for the segment and you can select how many points the user will get after completing this segment under Point Distribution>> On Completion and click on the 'Create' button. This will successfully create your segment for Learning Session. Refer to the below picture for reference.

Once the learning segment is created, it will take you to the following page where you can fill in the details of the Learning Session.

Enter a  Title for your session and you can also mention the details about the training in the description (Optional).

Now select the session type where you can find two options: Virtual Session and Classroom Session.

  • Virtual Session: Virtual session says that you are going to conduct your training virtually through some online platform. When you choose the session type as Virtual Session, in the further steps, the system will ask you to provide the link where the meetings can be conducted virtually. (Example: Microsoft Teams, Google Meet)
  • Classroom Session: This is like the normal classroom sessions where the trainer and trainees come in tow a classroom or conference Hall to attend the training. When you choose the session type as Classroom Session, in the further steps, the system will ask you to mention the address of the place where the session will be conducted. 

You also have the option to send a calendar invitation for the scheduled training session so that the user can be prepared for the training. The editor needs to enable the Send Calendar Invitation to send the invitation.

When the Editor enables the calendar invite, the user will receive the invitation as shown below.

Then click on the Save button to complete creating the learning session.

Once your Module is created with the Learning session segment, you need to attach this module to a SmartPath to assign this to the users who will take the training.

Click here to learn more on how to attach a module with a learning session to SmartPath.