How to Import SCORM course into SmartWinnr?

SmartWinnr has the provision to import SCORM courses. Specifically, version 2004 3rd edition or version 1.2. These SCORM courses can be imported inside the SmartPath module inside SmartWinnr. 

Follow the below-given steps to create SCORM course inside SmartPath.

How to export courses from articulate 360?

We are considering the 'articulate 360' for exporting the SCORM course and the same will be implemented inside the SmartPath module of SmartWinnr.

Choose your course from  articulate 360 and choose the contents that you would like to include in the SCORM course. Then click on the “Publish” option on the top right-hand corner of the page highlighted in red and Choose "LMS".

Kindly follow the below-given instructions while exporting the SCORM course:

●      While exporting the SCORM Course, please use the following settings so that it gets uploaded properly into SmartPath - Modules:

Publish Settings:

➔    LMS - Choose SCORM 1.2 or SCORM 2004

➔    Edition - If LMS is chosen as SCORM 2004, choose the edition as 3rd Edition


You can track progress and completion in different ways:

➔    Tracking using course completion - 100% (Set the percentage of the course a learner must finish to mark as completed )

➔    Track using quiz result - quiz (you can use results from quiz)

➔    Reporting - Here we are supporting all the four options available.So, you can use the one that is used in your selected course.

➔    Exit Course Link - This will provide an exit option to learner so that they can easily return to the home page and this will be captured by SmartWinnr.

➔    Hide Cover Page - We recommend not to switch off this option. So that the learner is able to understand that the SCORM Course is loading for them.

How to create a module for SmartPath

Since the SCORM course needs to be imported inside the SmartPath module, you should have to create a module for the SmartPath.

Learn how to create a module for SmartPath

While creating the Segments, Choose the segment type as SCORM from the available options.

Upon creating the segment, you will be redirected to the page where you can give a title for the SCORM course, description of the course, at last choose the SCORM file (zip file downloaded from articulate 360) attach the file and click on Create button to complete the activity of import.

How to create a SmartPath

The next step is to create a SmartPath and attach the module that you have created with SCORM course.

Learn how to create a SmartPath

Once you create the SmartPath successfully, you can assign the same to the desired participants.